
Bump Update - 33 Weeks

I scratched my belly right before I took this photo, hence the claw marks haha!
How far along?  
33 Weeks

Total weight gain/measurements: 
Belly is 45 inches...down an inch from last week... I'm hoping this is because he's been relocating in my belly and not because he's getting smaller? 
*Don't panic Kristen... don't panic....*

Maternity clothes:  
Nothing new

Stretch marks: 

Same old.. I usually fall asleep around 1am ish.. Then I wake up about 3 times before 5am. I usually get a good 5 hours after that.. I really look forward to those solid 5 hours

Best moment this week: 
I really don't have much going on in my life besides growing a human.. I wish I had something to say here....

Miss anything? 
Being able to walk outside! I feel like such a hermit because theres been so much snow lately, and then if its not snowing, its raining, which makes everything slippery as hell! I'm really looking forward to spring. I hate this time of year so much.
I also miss Palm Bays.

He dropped, so there was more movement in my pelvis than normal.
He also likes to use my ribs as a foot stool.. sometimes he uses them to push his head into my cervix... now THAT is a fun feeling... *sarcasm*
Whenever I take a bath, he kicks me really hard, and it makes waves.. haha I think its adorable.
He still gets hiccups multiple times a day. I think I'm getting used to them though, sometimes I hardly notice... but having said that, sometimes my whole belly is noticeable twitching, & you can see it easily though my clothes.
Sometimes, mostly in the morning, he kicks REALLY hard! I actually twinge in pain sometimes! It feels like he's bruising my insides! Lol!
Food cravings: 
Ham! I was craving a grilled cheese with ham. Then I was craving ham with hot mustard again. 
Chinese food... like, everything. Wontons, chicken balls, fried rice, beef and broccoli, wonton soup, egg rolls & anything else I can get my hands on...oh and plum saucesweet & sour sauce, soy sauce... mmmmmmmmm
I was also craving an Oreo ice cream sandwich - the only craving I was able to satisfy haha!

Anything making you queasy or sick? 


Labour signs:  
He dropped! He literally dropped overnight. People keep telling me this is normal... but it still kind of freaks me out that I was only 32 weeks and a couple days when he decided to descend into my pelvis. I have mixed feelings about him dropping... At first I was really happy because I was able to breathe a lot easier.. and eat! Now, the movement in my pelvis is quite uncomfortable...the lightning crotch is quite intense... & sometimes it feels like theres a head in my crotch! Haha!
Lots of pressure down there, some days are worse than others. 
***Although he did clearly drop, it feels & looks like he may have moved up a little bit again in the photos I took today?***

My colostrum has come in!
I had heartburn again for a couple days - I clearly spoke too soon on my last blog post :P
Lightning crotch! It's much more intense now that he's much lower then before. 
I've started to get really tired again in the afternoons... I need to learn to nap more.
Shortness of breath.
It's getting harder to do simple tasks.. like walking around the grocery store, or standing to do the dishes.. It just feels like he is so heavy and I need to lean over or sit down.

Belly button in or out? 
Mostly in, but it tries to be an outie sometimes. 

Happy or moody most of the time: 
Both. It's really been a mix lately because my emotions flip like a switch

Looking forward to:
I really don't have anything in mind...Spring! I hate this weather.

According to "the Bump" app... He is 17.2-18.7 inches long and weighs 4.2-5.8 lbs.
Let me tell you, it feels like it. I think he's going to be long & definitely on the heavier side. His dad is over 6 feet tall, and I was a 9 lb baby. I'm expecting a large child!